Perfected Forever while Being Made Holy

So far in this email series, as I am walking you through the 180 Recovery Program by starting you from the beginning, we have looked at a couple of things (and these emails are posted on the website

Breaking Lies – Being Honest with God and Yourself

  1. Realizing your sexual sin history. – Do an inventory from 6.14.17’s email
  2. Grasping God’s Forgiveness. – All your past, present and future sins forgiven

Today we are going to see a very important “positional” truth.  A positional truth is a truth that God say about you that has already happened, is true, but we have not experienced it yet.

For example, the Bible says that if we have trusted Christ as our Savior we “HAVE” eternal life.  Yet, we live in bodies that are in a slow process of decay and will eventually die.  However, it is a positional truth that our eternal life is guaranteed even if we are not experiencing that now.

So, here is a small but powerful verse hidden away in Hebrews 10. It is a simple statement in the middle of a complicated passage of Scripture.  However here is what it says …

“For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.”  Hebrews 10:14

The passage is talking about comparing the sacrificial system that God had His people doing in the Temple.  Animal rights activists would not have been happy.  Day after day the priests made animal sacrifices to shed their blood to cover the sins of the people.  6 days a week … week after week … more blood … on and on it went.

Then things changed.  Jesus … God Himself … offered his life and his sinless body to die on the cross and shed His innocent blood to pay for all our sins.  He died and He rose again.  The justice and righteousness of God the Father was completely satisfied so that when I person accepts Christ all their sins are forgiven.  All of them … past, present and future.  That is why the writer says it was by that ONE sacrifice Jesus has made perfect FOREVER, those who are being made holy here in our day to day life.

Here is why understanding that is important.

It is time in your recovery to stop looking at your sin and living in fear of God.  We should be in awe of God and embrace Him every day.  His love for you is unconditional and never ending.  He loved you before He even created the universe.  Plus, He chose to adopt you as one of His children even knowing the full extent of your sin.

Rejoice and again I say rejoice today and live in the forgiveness God has already given to you.  Quit begging and start thanking Him for the fact that you have been already been perfected forever (positional truth) even while now you are being made holy.

Believers who live in fear of God because of ongoing sin stay focused on that and do not proceed in recovery.  The reason is because when we afraid of God we stay away from God when God Himself, by the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of you, is the solution and needs to be embraced instead of avoided.

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